Photo Contest Frequently Asked Questions

What is the TFV Approval number in photo contests?

It is an indication that a TFV Competition Representative has been appointed at every stage of the competition, following the proper implementation of the conditions on behalf of the participant and the regulatory body.

The jury members of the organizing committee, TFV (Turkey Photography Foundation) Board of Trustees and Directors, also restricted participators whom descision issued by Turkey Photography Foundation can not join the ongoing contests. It is open to anyone over the age of 18, whether amateur or professional. The issue that will bind you is the participation conditions in the relevant specifications. In every competition, specification rules are essential.

You can check your internet connection. You can try by closing and reopening your web browser. (Firefox, Edge, Opera and Chrome). Your institution's computer network may not allow you. This may be related to the system of your institution. Please consider suck issues.

It is free of charge as long as it is not specified in the relevant specification of the competition.

No, no other people can participate in the competitions on your behalf. In case of detection, the rule violation process is applied.

Competitors should become a member of site to participate in the competition, and to activate the account, must fill in the information required for membership.

Please check your spam or junk mail folder for emails from tfv and make sure to include your e-mail safe list.

You can participate with as many photos as the number of photos in the categories specified in the competition's specifications.
This subject is included in the specification of the relevant competition in detail. For example: “The resolution of the works to participate in the competition should be at least 1920 pixels and at most 3840 pixels. The works that will participate in the contest can be included in the related specification as "JPEG / JPG format, color / black and white, should not be less than 1 megabyte and should not exceed 4 megabytes". The photos that do not comply with the rules are rejected by giving a warning in the system. Taking these messages into account, participants are required to re-edit and upload photos that are not suitable for the conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the messages received during uploading.
Photographs that have received awards in previous competitions held by the relevant institution holding the competition cannot participate in the competition again. The fact that the photograph is exhibited and published outside the photography contest does not constitute an obstacle in terms of participation in the contest. If it is revealed that the aforementioned photo has been awarded in the previous years in the same competition, a rule violation procedure is applied to the participant. It is the participation conditions in the relevant specification that will bind you.

Just name your photos. You can also use Turkish characters during naming. Make sure the filename does not contain such characters; "> </ *"
Example: "Anadolu Hisarı", "Çeşmeler" "Sunset" and so on. If you are participating from abroad, you must give a naming in English using the Latin alphabet.

You can exchange another photo during the application dates of the contest. You can change, delete, add until the declared deadline. It is the participation conditions in the relevant specification that will bind you.
You can participate with any single photograph in accordance with the terms, conditions and content specified in the specification of the competition. It is the participation conditions in the relevant specification that will bind you.
It is a category that includes a series, a common theme or concept and a single title stated in the specification of the competition, consisting of photographs in the range specified in the specification of competition, describing a series of similar photographs around a story or the main subject, supported by a text. They will not be evaluated individually because they are entered in series. You have to make sure that your photos make a whole. It is the participation conditions in the relevant specification that will bind you.
The photographs used in this category must be transformed into a new format by altering them with image processing programs. It is expected that new images produced by image processing programs will process the subject specified in the relevant specification. Visual elements such as illustrations, engravings, photographs, pictures in publications that have become public, have passed a certain period of time specified in the law, and which do not have any copyright can be used with photographs. Copyrighted works must be copyrighted by the photographer. It is the participation conditions in the relevant specification that will bind you.
No. Digital photographs prepared for all categories must be submitted via the website, Photographs sent by Print, CD or e-mail are not accepted unless they are included in the relevant competition specifications. It is the participation conditions in the relevant specification that will bind you.

In order to participate in the video category, your video must be uploaded to the video sharing site "Youtube", to your own/current account in the "unlisted" category.

You can participate in the competition by taking the "URL" copy of the video link you uploaded on the "Youtube" platform, pasting it in the "YouTube URL:" field in the video category of the relevant competition at and filling in other information.

If you are uploading a video to YouTube for the first time, you can complete your Youtube subscription registration and upload process by following the instructions in the link below. rl%C3%BCk% 2Ccontroller%2Cvideo-%C3%B6%C4%9Feleri%2Cad-relevance%2Cayr%C4%B1nt%C4%B1s

Photos that do not comply with these specifications cannot be uploaded on the website, By editing the desired photo size and dimensions of the relevant specification in image processing programs, you can perform the loading process.
The Technical Department checks the site daily to avoid system errors. Please try again with a different server (Chrome might be a good option), try reducing / enlarging the size of the image and make sure the filename does not contain such characters; If the problem persists, it could be due to the internet connection, try uploading your photo later with a cable connection instead of wifi. The system may not allow you when you are uploading photos in places such as institutions and private companies. This may be related to the system of your location. Please consider such issues.
In photographs sent to the contest via the Internet, if an error occurred or originated from the system users, through provision of information by contacting the problems to address will be fixed soon.
You must become a member of the site, , and activate your activation. By filling in your user information, click on the home page, you can upload your photos by clicking the JOIN COMPETITION button on the screen that appears after clicking the ""Join Now"" button of the contest you will participate in the ongoing contests section. On the required screen, write the sequence number, name and place of the photograph. The date of the photograph will be given automatically by the system. If the photo date cannot be obtained by the system, you must enter it manually. When you complete the works you will participate in, save it with the ""Update button"" at the bottom right and click the ""Next Step"" box at the bottom right. On the screen you see, ""I have read and accept the Contest Terms and Conditions in the Technical Specifications."". You will be participating in the contest by ticking the box and clicking the ""SAVE APPLICATION"" button. You will not be participating in the contest unless you click the ""SAVE APPLICATION"" button. In the Photo Story category, if the minimum number of photos specified in the specification is not uploaded, the application will not be accepted.

1. Antivirüs veya Güvenlik Duvarı nedeniyle sorun yaşıyor olabilir miyim?

 - Antivirüs Yazılımı: Bilgisayarınızdaki antivirüs programı bazı web işlemlerini potansiyel tehdit olarak algılayabilir ve engelleyebilir. Antivirüs yazılımınızı geçici olarak devre dışı bırakmayı deneyin (ancak bu işlemi yaparken dikkatli olun ve sonrasında mutlaka yeniden etkinleştirin).
 - Güvenlik Duvarı: Bilgisayarınızın güvenlik duvarı siteye erişimi kısıtlıyor olabilir. Güvenlik duvarı ayarlarınızı kontrol edin ve gerektiğinde siteyi güvenli listesine ekleyin.

2. Bilgisayarımda yavaşlık yaşıyorum ve fotoğraf yükleyemiyorum. Ne yapabilirim?
 - Arka Plan Uygulamaları: Bilgisayarınızda çalışan çok sayıda uygulama sisteminizi yavaşlatabilir. Arka planda çalışan gereksiz uygulamaları kapatın.
 - Sistem Kaynakları: Fotoğraf yükleme sırasında sisteminizin bellek ve işlemci kullanımını kontrol edin. Yüksek kullanım, yavaşlık sorununa yol açabilir.

 - Disk Alanı ve Temp Dosyalar: Bilgisayarınızın disk alanı dolmuş veya geçici dosyalar birikmiş olabilir. Disk temizleme araçlarıyla bu dosyaları temizleyin.
3. Fotoğraf yükleme sırasında sayfa donuyor veya kapanıyor. Sorun ne olabilir?
 - Tarayıcı Çökmesi: Tarayıcı çökmesi, yetersiz RAM veya bozuk tarayıcı dosyalarından kaynaklanabilir. Tarayıcıyı yeniden başlatın veya farklı bir tarayıcı kullanmayı deneyin.

 - Uzantılar ve Eklentiler: Tarayıcınızda yüklü olan eklentiler bazen sayfa performansını olumsuz etkileyebilir. Gereksiz eklentileri devre dışı bırakmayı deneyin.

 - Tarayıcı Güncellemeleri: Tarayıcınız güncel değilse, güncelleyip tekrar deneyin. Güncellemeler genellikle performans iyileştirmeleri içerir.

Provided that the conditions for each category in the relevant specification are met; Photographs taken with video recording devices such as mobile phones, GoPro, 180, 360 degree recorders, HDR (high dynamic range) and drones, manned/unmanned aerial vehicles are accepted for the competition. It is the participation conditions in the relevant specification that will bind you.

No. Photographs that were not awarded or exhibited in the competition, will be deleted from the system,, after 30 (thirty) days following the date of notification. It is the participation conditions in the relevant specification that will bind you.

Competition results will be announced in ; the organizing institution's website,in Turkey Photography Foundation's website,, and in social media accounts (facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.). The winners of the award and exhibition awards will be notified by the organizer or the TFV via telephone and/or e-mail.It is the participation conditions in the relevant specification that will bind you.
No. It is sufficient to check that your information is up to date and your photos are registered in the system.
Turkey Photography Foundation (TFV) Image and Ethics Committee makes the necessary inspections of the works or works in the relevant competition due to the complaint of rule violations, conclude the matter. With the finalization of the violation, Turkey Photo Foundation Image and Ethics Committee determines the length of period that image owner will be restricted. This period is determined by Turkey Photography Foundation Image and Ethics Committee. In this period, if the paticipant prooves that there were no violation of rules of his/her actions, he/she can demand to remove restriction period.